Ez történt - Február 9. -én
Provoked by the events of Kristallnacht, the bill was proposed by New York Democratic Senator Robert F. Wagner, a German American, and Massachusetts Democratic Representative Edith Nourse Rogers. Its goal was to enable 20,000 German Jewish refugee children to enter the United States over a two-year period. The bill w...
Ez történt - December 9.-én
December 9.

1666 December 9, EXCOMMUNICATION OF NATHAN OF GAZA (Constantinople)
Shabbetai Zevi's foremost "prophet" was excommunicated by the rabbinical council in Constantinople.

1804. december 9. A Belorussziában és a nyugati kormányzóságokban ismétlődő éhínségek okának tisztázására és a megoldási módok előterjesztésére a helyszínre küldött G. R. Gye...
Ez történt - December 17.-én
Ten people were accused of practicing Judaism. Four were handed over for punishment. One of them, Francisco Rodriguez, was burned alive.

1728 December 17, NEW YORK (North American Colonies)
Land is purchased for the first synagogue to be built in the United States, Shearit Israel. The oldest synagogue still standing is Touro in Newport Rhode Island (see 17...
Ez történt - December 30.-án
... allies cut Japanese forces in two at Buna.

RCA Victor Ad - December 1943

North American Aviation Ad - December 1943

RCA Victor Ad - December 1944

Ez történt - Február 1.-én
... the Gilbert and Marshall Islands.

1943: One of America's most decorated military units of World War II, the 442d Regimental Combat Team, made up almost entirely of Japanese-Americans, was authorized.

1943: German troops evacuate Demyansk.

Air Transport Aviation Ad - February 1943

Ez történt - Február 3.-án

1945: The Russians capture Landsberg, 80 miles Northeast of Berlin.

1945: The month-long Battle of Manila begins.

Julie Bishop

*Julie Bishop was an American film and television actress. She appeared in over 80 films between 1923 and 1957.

Ez történt - Február 9.-én
Provoked by the events of Kristallnacht, the bill was proposed by New York Democratic Senator Robert F. Wagner, a German American, and Massachusetts Democratic Representative Edith Nourse Rogers. Its goal was to enable 20,000 German Jewish refugee children to enter the United States over a two-year period. The bill w...
Ez történt - Február 24. -én
... of the proclamation of the Party Program in 1920. Hitler refuses Goebbels requests that the speech be broadcast and even prohibits any mention of it in the newspapers.

North American Aviation Ad - February 1944

Ez történt - Március 6. -án
Március 6.

415. március 6. Alexandriában a Szent Cirill püspök által fanatizált keresztény csőcselék meglincseli Hüpatiát. A szépsége és tudása miatt egyaránt csodált újplatonikus filozófusnő és matematikus a klasszikus görög filozófiához való hűségével vívta ki maga ellen az ortodox vallási erők haragját. (Cirill fogalmazta meg elsőként a zsidókkal szemben az "istengyil...
Ez történt - Április 12.-én
... (Pilsudski's immediate successor) ordered Jews to be segregated in university classrooms. He was part of what was known as the anti-Semitic "colonels" clique." (see 1937)

And HICEM, the European affiliate of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, rescued approximately 30,000 European Jews. Despite...
Ez történt - Április 24.-én
... tanítást, egyben pedig elítéli az ateizmust, a materializmust, a panteizmust, a racionalizmust, az ontologizmust és első ízben a tradicionalizmust is.

Fifteen Jews serving on the battleship the USS Maine were killed when it sank. Five thousand Jews served in the American Army, a ratio of 20% more than the general pop...
Ez történt - Május 6.-án
... Archipelago and so organizes his forces for the coming battle.

1943: Hitler makes one of his increasingly rare visits to Berlin for Viktor Lutze's funeral.

North American Aviation Ad - May 1944

Ez történt - Június 4.-én
... szlavón bán hűségesküt tesz I. Károly királynak.

1433. június 4. Zsigmond király Rómában öt évre fegyverszünetet köt Velencével.

1763 June 4, EZEKIEL SOLOMONS (North American Colonies)
After opening a trading post two years earlier, he was taken prisoner by the Indians. During this uprising in the Mackinac territory that was known as "Pontiac's conspira...
Ez történt - Július 6.-án

*Rochelle Hudson was born Rochelle Elizabeth Hudson on March 6, 1916 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She was an American film actress from the 1930s through the 1960s. Hudson was a WAMPAS Baby Star in 1931. T...
Ez történt - Augusztus 2.-án
... aid.

1941: All radios in Norway are confiscated.

1941: Soviets blow up a huge Japanese fuel and ammunition dump at Tatutzuchuan in Eastern Manchuria.

American Aviation Ad - August 1942

Ez történt - Szeptember 5.-én
... civilian casualty figures announced at 1,075 killed and 1.261 seriously injured.

1941: British release General Dentz, after Vichy releases British POWs in Syria.

North American Aviation Ad - September 1943

1943: The Eighth Army captu...
Ez történt - Szeptember 24.-én
... offensive in Baltic States ceases.

1944: British naval units begin operations against the German occupied islands in the Aegean Sea in the eastern Mediterranean.

North American Aviation Ad - September 1945

Mamie Van Doren
Ez történt - December 6.-án
... fighters, 51 dive-bombers, 70 torpedo-bombers and 50 ordinary bombers arrive over Hawaii. They launch attacks against the airfields at Wheeler, Kaneohe, Ewa and Hickham and against the American warships anchored at ‘Battleship Row'. Surprise was complete and within a few minutes 5 battleships and 2 light cruisers had been sunk and a large number of aircraft (180) destr...
Ez történt - December 9.-én
December 9.

1666 December 9, EXCOMMUNICATION OF NATHAN OF GAZA (Constantinople)
Shabbetai Zevi's foremost "prophet" was excommunicated by the rabbinical council in Constantinople.

1804. december 9. A Belorussziában és a nyugati kormányzóságokban ismétlődő éhínségek okának tisztázására és a megoldási módok előterjesztésére a helyszínre küldött G. R. Gye...
Ez történt - December 17.-én
Ten people were accused of practicing Judaism. Four were handed over for punishment. One of them, Francisco Rodriguez, was burned alive.

1728 December 17, NEW YORK (North American Colonies)
Land is purchased for the first synagogue to be built in the United States, Shearit Israel. The oldest synagogue still standing is Touro in Newport Rhode Island (see 17...
1 2 
Címkék: WAGNER-ROGERS CHILD REFUGEE BILL, York Democratic Senator Robert, German American, Massachusetts Democratic Representative Edith Nourse Rogers, German Jewish, United States, EXCOMMUNICATION OF NATHAN OF GAZA, Shabbetai Zevi, Francisco Rodriguez, North American Colonies, Shearit Israel, Newport Rhode Island, Victor Ad, North American Aviation Ad, Marshall Islands, World War II, Regimental Combat Team, Transport Aviation Ad, Julie Bishop, Party Program, Szent Cirill, AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, European Jews, SPANISH AMERICAN WAR BEGAN, Fifteen Jews, American Army, Viktor Lutze, EZEKIEL SOLOMONS, Rochelle Elizabeth Hudson, Oklahoma City, WAMPAS Baby Star, Eastern Manchuria, American Aviation Ad, General Dentz, British POWs, Eighth Army, Baltic States, Aegean Sea, Mamie Van Doren, Battleship Row&#8217, two-year period, nyugati kormányzóságokban, megoldási módok, helyszínre küldött, klasszikus görög, ortodox vallási, zsidókkal szemben,
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